Gorillas Visit Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp

Check out this amaz­ing pho­to­graph cour­tesy of Sanc­tu­ary Gorilla For­est Camp.

Tucked away in Bwindi Impen­e­tra­ble For­est in Uganda, Sanc­tu­ary Gorilla For­est Camp was recently host to some unex­pected vis­i­tors. One of our guests at camp fell sick and had to for­sake his long awaited dream of gorilla track­ing. For­tu­nately, the goril­las decided to visit the camp while the guest was recov­er­ing and he was priv­i­leged to view the goril­las for much longer and with a much clearer view than those who went track­ing. This once in a life­time expe­ri­ence high­lights why Sanc­tu­ary Retreats place such impor­tance in hav­ing the right loca­tions for our safari camps and lodges in Africa.